Poster of Life of Pi

Life of Pi

Adventure, Drama, Fantasy

Director: Ang Lee

Release Date: November 21, 2012

Where to Watch

I prefer the second story….I’m sorry! How is this going to make me believe in God? Reasons Life of Pi isn’t made for me: lost me at the implausibility of an entire goat able to be pulled through such thin bars, animals in danger, predominantly consisting of CGI generated creatures (hyper-reality kind of creeps me out- -think Uncanny Valley), never met the cat & even though I didn’t see it in 3D, it felt aggressively 3D. Despite all of that, I would summarize the film’s biggest drawback as not militantly, but mildly magically realistic so I felt hampered and couldn’t completely immerse myself. I do look forward to reading the book, and the human cast was magnificent, particularly the always wonderful Irrfan Khan, whom I’ve loved since The Namesake. I did have a problem with the idea that the story needed to be given to a palatable white guy for it to be told like The Help. Why can’t he tell his own damn story?!?

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