Poster of Hunger


Biography, Crime, Drama

Director: Steve McQueen

Release Date: October 31, 2008

Where to Watch

As an objective moviegoer, Hunger does a great job of showing how merciless daily life can be for either side of a political impasse & abuse of prisoners. As an ignorant (of the historical controversy that is the backdrop for this movie) and subjective moviegoer, I thought nothing is worth degrading yourself, smearing shit on the wall and starving yourself to death. As someone who witnessed someone close to me die and have similar traits (play with feces, look like a victim of starvation, but actually consumed by illness) to Sands, it left me cold-like throwing priceless riches away before an impoverished man. I get being noble in the face of hardship if someone imposes them on you, but not to impose them on yourself to ask for hardships to stop. Just left me cold and far from understanding. Maybe one day I’ll get it, but today is not that day.

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