Poster of The Heat

The Heat

Action, Comedy, Crime

Director: Paul Feig

Release Date: June 28, 2013

Where to Watch

If I analyze the racial dynamics of The Heat, I may not like it so I’m not going to. I am going to let it go and embrace my love for Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy instead. No, Sandra Bullock does not play the same character as she did in the Miss Congeniality franchise though it has the same concept. Bullock’s character in The Heat needs to let loose and become affable while McCarthy’s character needs to learn how to work with someone and not constantly rag on them. The point of The Heat isn’t solving the crime, but like most buddy cop films, learning to become better people and friends. Initially I was concerned that the Heat was sending the message that in order to succeed, women needed to be less than excellent, but the introduction of McCarthy’s character suggested that women needed to abandon the image of what excellence is and become a whole person, which includes negative and messy characteristics. There is lots of profanity, but if you like Bullock and McCarthy, it is a must see. Not exactly Criterion Collection work, and I did not roll on the floor in uncontrollable fits of laughter. The jokes are largely predictable, but The Heat is a decent comedy.

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