Poster of Taken 2

Taken 2

Action, Crime, Thriller

Director: Olivier Megaton

Release Date: October 5, 2012

Where to Watch

Liam Neeson is the best ex & father ever in Taken 2. If you’re watching Taken 2, you’ve already signed up for a bit of ridiculousness, including watching masses of normal-sized people who look like munchkins attempt to fight a wall because isn’t that what Liam Neeson is? A massive human 6’4″ wall with a great, gravelly Irish voice. Watch this heartwarming flick as he teaches his daughter geometry and how to drive. Ignore the fact that he may have also encouraged her to commit terrorism throughout Istanbul. Also his daughter may be the only teenager who actually believes that it would be a good thing for her parents to get back together. Well, no one said that she doesn’t need to learn anymore. She thinks that being inconspicuous equals wearing a bikini and stealing stuff instead of paying for it with your father’s gobs of cash, but hey, not bad for your first day learning the family business. It would be wrong if you didn’t enjoy it. When Neeson says “taken,” I almost wanted to stand up & cheer. A must see if you want to learn the meaning of life!

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