
Crime, Drama, Romance

Director: Matthew Ross

Release Date: July 13, 2018

TV ad execs failed me! Why was I watching Under The Dome when I could have been watching Siberia!?! I watched the entire series in less than 24 hours. It is the first season of Survivor meets The Blair Witch Project meets Lost/X-Files when they were good. The show takes well-worn reality tv show tropes (the absurdity of the contestants acceptance of the challenge, the mourning the departure of a contestant as if they were, the natural distrust and scheming) and meets them with all the cool historical and supernatural legends of Siberia. Until the last 2 episodes when a couple of unnecessary ridiculous scenes and rushed pacing made me roll my eyes, I was completely engaged and clueless as to which direction the show was going, which meant the show had room to sustain the mystery while leaving me confident that the show creators had a plan. Most of the mysteries are solved by the conclusion except for one, which is unfortunate because the series may be over! NBC has failed me again. I will never learn.

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