I’m A Cyborg, but That’s Okay

Where to Watch

Objectively: a stunning & beautiful film committed to an avant-garde almost Dali-esque vision of representing reality as seen through the eyes of mental patients as the film traces the origins of their madness & how they deal with their potent feelings. Subjectively: I hated every minute of it & found it excruciating to watch-took me two days to finish it. Because it is a foreign film, some of the quirkiness was lost in translation, and I was never sure if I was reading certain scenarios correctly–I think that the point of I’m A Cyborg, but That’s Okay is that every one suffers a certain amount of madness (even the doctors) & the key to love & life is to accept each other’s madness as reality yet use that madness to protect the one that you love from self-destruction. I just really hate the trope of crazy equals unloved and love will make everything ok. I want to throw a shoe at the director. Good news: a man gets to participate in the role of the manic pixie who solves all problems. HATE!

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