The Vanishing (1988)


Mystery, Thriller

Director: George Sluizer

Release Date: October 27, 1988

Where to Watch

I saw the original several years ago (& posted a review on using the Netflix FB application, which has since disappeared along with the application), but rewatched it today & The Vanishing (1988) is still an amazing, textured, thrilling, mediative & tense story that surpasses the traditional crime format. It is not about whodunit, but rather what compels people to act in certain ways, what counts as the supernatural in this modern world, what are the signs/harbingers that if we paid attention to them, would signal the dangers ahead. Unlike the remake, Saskia is not simply the girlfriend, but a whimsical three dimensional person plagued by inexplicable fears that cloud her normally sunny mood & her doomed actions do not seem as foolish or not understandable as her counterpart in the American version. It is the new girlfriend who is more of an afterthought in this production. Every aspect of the scenery and the background noises are pivotal to the plot. The tension between the boyfriend and the sociopath is amazing and melts into a casual intimacy between stalker and prey. A must see even for those who avoid subtitles.

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