Poster of Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky

Fantasy, Mystery, Romance

Director: Cameron Crowe

Release Date: December 14, 2001

Where to Watch

Any time that Tom Cruise is described as god or in control in an unsarcastic fashion needs to be stopped immediately. Any pretentious movie where everything is just a dream should just say to the audience, “Go see the Matrix,” then promptly go home, put on some sweatpants & eat ice cream. Just don’t bother. Any movie that has to explain itself explicitly in acknowledgment that yeah, it wouldn’t make sense without the explanation & even the explanation is admittedly inadequate according to the director needs to first congratulate itself on not being Prometheus, Damon Lindehof or Ridley Scott the late years then go home and cry because you still failed to make one of your nesting doll stories interesting. Not one! Remember my rule: when there is one scene in a movie that reveals what the filmmakers really think of the movie–well this movie, deep down inside, was made to assure a certain someone that he is pretty, full of substance despite being wealthy & caring about looks, not crazy, loveable, capable of loving a woman, and with a little effort, can distinguish one woman from the other, & in control (cue Janet Jackson). “You can take control of all this everything even me.” “Look I’m straight.” I once read an amazing analysis of Vanilla Sky from the perspective of Scientology theology, which I can’t find (cue Twilight Zone music). I will watch the original & hopefully it will be better than this movie which tersely makes cultural references as if it never cared about those references in the first place.

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