Poster of Tokyo Gore Police

Tokyo Gore Police

Action, Comedy, Horror

Director: Yoshihiro Nishimura

Release Date: October 3, 2008

Where to Watch

After 24 minutes, I decided to ditch Tokyo Gore Police. I NEVER DO THAT. There is a miniscule possibility that I will try to finish it before Sunday. Why did I decide to stop? Exploitation flick so the violence is sensationalistic, unrealistic & gorey (duh) like a 70s Italian horror film–not my thing. Then the fight scenes are plodding & not well choreographed. But they truly lost me at the birthday party featuring a hooded gimp with no arms or legs with the stumps covered in leather being walked like a dog. Oh, & constant self-mutilation. Pointless story. No thank you. If I’m not getting it because the humor is lost in translation, then I’m OK with not getting it. Why did this movie get good reviews? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

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