Poster of Days of Heaven

Days of Heaven

Drama, Romance

Director: Terrence Malick

Release Date: October 6, 1978

Where to Watch

Since watching a series of recent releases that are undeniably beautiful, but lack something (Prometheus, I’m looking at you), I’ve been thinking about if a movie can still be good if it is beautiful to watch, but lacking in story. Days of Heaven falls into this category because I never believed the story is lacking. I actually thought that it would have benefited if it was just a silent film with beautiful images & subtitles instead of the characters talking. Then the actors would have to act more expressively. Instead the actors suffer from 1970s realistic delivery style–beautiful actors who seem out of place in this period piece & don’t have the chops to embody the characters they are supposed to be portraying. I keep hearing that Richard Gere’s character is a tough case who flies off the handle & people just love to push him down, but if I wasn’t told that, I would have no idea.

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