Poster of The Thieves

The Thieves

Action, Comedy, Crime

Director: Dong-hoon Choi

Release Date: July 25, 2012

Where to Watch

I’m not sure how The Thieves ended up on my radar, but it ended up in my queue. The Thieves is one of the fourth highest grossing movies in South Korean film history, and I’m a fan of South Korean films, but usually art house films. Maybe I decided to give the mainstream South Korean films a chance.
If forced to parallel The Thieves to an American film, I would say The Thieves is similar to Ocean’s Eleven, but less smug, funnier, cooler fight scenes, longer running time and a better story. The Thieves is an East Asian heist film. If you’re into the heist genre and don’t mind subtitles, check out The Thieves, but it isn’t going to change any lives.

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