Poster of The Sunset Limited

The Sunset Limited


Director: Tommy Lee Jones

Release Date: February 12, 2011

Where to Watch

If you would watch Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson do anything together, then The Sunset Limited is for you. If you dig philosophy, The Sunset Limited is for you. The Sunset Limited is as close as a secular film gets to Christian films complete with apologetics, but without the theological foundation. There is no real story, just an excuse for two characters to discuss whether or not there is a God or meaning in life. The Sunset Limited is dialogue heavy and is basically a filmed play without the audience. What separates the didactic dialogue in The Sunset Limited from Christian films is Cormac McCarthy. The strength is in the acting, not the direction although the sound direction was well done. My mom enjoyed the movie even though The Sunset Limited seems to favor the atheist ever so slightly based on the denouement.

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