Poster of Superman


Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Director: Richard Donner

Release Date: December 15, 1978

Where to Watch

Superman is for kids and does not stand the test of time. I decided to rewatch it since I realized that I probably remembered nothing about the original since I watched it ages ago. Big mistake: competent cops could have executed the majority of Superman’s heroic moments, and Lex Luthor may have been ambitious, but a criminal mastermind, he is not. To even be briefly thwarted by this incarnation of Luthor should make Superman cry in shame in the corner, but at least it was Luthor’s best moment. Two words: fire Otis. Everything feels very 1940s-50s probably in homage to the original tv show. Lois can’t spell, and she is the lead reporter. Superman is a bit of a troll and thinks that human beings are idiots based on his “disguise” as goofy Clark Kent. I kind of liked that about Reeve’s take on the titular hero.

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