Poster of Superman II

Superman II

Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Director: Richard Lester, Richard Donner

Release Date: June 19, 1981

Where to Watch

So the majority of the plot of Man of Steel was lifted from Superman II, and I kind of get why everyone was outraged, but I’m more outraged that out of all the reboots, Snyder mooched 1 & 2 with very little imagination except for the first third, but I digress. Superman II basically has the following premise: Superman has one date, gets lucky and everything goes to hell. The lesson for Superman: take some self-defense classes and do a better job of pacing yourself in relationships. Also the people of Metropolis are idiots-I understand initially getting caught in the cross fire, but at some point, traffic should have been redirected, get off the damn phone, lift your baby out of the carriage and run! Solve your own damn problems. Superman should have left you sooner. Even though Zod comes off as a bored, petulant child/wrestler, especially in his first broadcast from the White House tv, and is a bit dated, the trio of villains are more enjoyable than Hackman chewing the scenery. Reeves redeems Superman by reveling in his petty moments, particularly at the end.

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