Poster of The Sentinel

The Sentinel

Action, Crime, Thriller

Director: Clark Johnson

Release Date: April 21, 2006

Where to Watch

The Sentinel is a showcase of great actors. I love movies set in 70s NYC & that are about spiritual battle, but when characters represent the authority of the church (in this movie, Catholic) & aren’t corrupt religious officials, I focus on theological accuracy & can’t enter the movie’s universe & logic. SPOILERS
 So I had an issue with the fact that a human had to redeem herself from suicide attempts & adultery by guarding humanity from the gates of hell–as if that was even necessary since Jesus has conquered death & hell, a prison originally created for fallen angels, not people. If she decided to live a life of sacrifice out of gratitude for the forgiveness of sins that would be fine, but the idea of a Christian having to abandon all beauty & be completely cut off from the world seems ridiculous & not Biblical. I think that the real lesson of this movie is that if someone offers you an unbelievably beautiful, spacious furnished apartment in NY, there is a catch.

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