Poster of Original Sin

Original Sin

Drama, Mystery, Romance

Director: Michael Cristofer

Release Date: August 3, 2001

Where to Watch

In Hamlet, there is a play within the play that explains the whole plot and issues in the story. The same thing happens in Original Sin, and a character calls the play, “cheap melodrama.” And that’s what we have here! You can see the plot coming a mile away with heavy breathing and accents from all actors, not just Banderas, about love versus lust (eye roll) with a heavy dose of masochistic themes (love is pain) and plenty of gender issues (she is the man that she chooses-good or bad, which is ridiculous because both men were bad, just varying degrees– & doesn’t exist independently from them). There is only one scene where the movie goes for truly shocking as opposed to going for the cliche sexually charged scenes, and it is NOT between Banderas and Jolie (really, is it shocking for either of the two actors to do anything, particularly Jolie). With that said, this movie isn’t worth your time. Watch Vertigo instead. (I finally understand why some people don’t think Jolie is pretty after two hours of this mess.)

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