Poster of Match Point

Match Point

Drama, Romance, Thriller

Director: Woody Allen

Release Date: January 20, 2006

Where to Watch

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is sedately hot in Match Point, but insanely hot–scorching even– in Dracula and The Tudors. Woody Allen made a mistake by keeping him harried and simmering instead of permitting Meyers to explore the full range of his hotness-really turning it up on occasion for the ladies, simmering for the men so they don’t hate him, freaking out during moments of transition. For a movie predicated on being sexy enough to jump class barriers in the United Kingdom, Match Point is strangely muted though Allen did not make Scarlett Johansson hide her light under a bushel. Unlike Crimes and Misdemeanors, this film is about escaping the past and trying to belong to a world that you want to become a part of as opposed to overcoming one moment, but to do that, you have to kill parts of yourself and still remain on the edges of happiness. Unfortunately, the passing of time and location is not noticeable. At one point, the characters are allegedly somewhere in Europe other than UK, but it looks the same. Allen replaces his characteristic awkwardness with frenzied grasping, and Match Point suffers for it. A good movie, but did not quite live up to its ingredients.

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