

Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Director: Gary Fleder

Release Date: January 4, 2002

Where to Watch

Imposter, the science fiction film, not the documentary, is retroactively good after watching the end, i.e. seeing what happens after 1 hour 33 minutes. Unfortunately everything that precedes the end only superficially alludes to the definition of humanity and leans hard on the action thriller model. It is less textured than Soldier, which at least retained the writer’s intention to continue the legacy left by Blade Runner whereas Imposter takes all the wrong lessons from Blade Runner and reduces it to a series of chase sequences. It does not help that Imposter has a magnificent cast, including Gary Sinise and a still sleek Vincent D’Onofrio. There was one sign of how disappointing Imposter was going to be: Madeline Stowe. Ever since I saw her in Revenge in theaters during 1990, she symbolized the pretty actress who doesn’t get much to do other than be the hero’s inspirational symbol of resistance. I see her in a movie, and I try to run the other way so I’m not too disappointed although 12 Monkeys was a welcome exception to the rule. Skip Impost

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