Poster of A Haunted House

A Haunted House

Comedy, Fantasy, Horror

Director: Michael Tiddes

Release Date: January 11, 2013

Where to Watch

Just when I think that I should stop watching the movie spoof genre, I watch one when I’m in the right mood and actually laugh. A Haunted House may have cracked me up because of its ridicule of the found footage genre favorite, Paranormal Activity. If you have ever watched a horror movie at, um, let’s say, the Magic Johnson Theater in Harlem, then imagine that the viewers’ reaction to the horrific story unfolding actually were lines delivered by characters on screen. A Haunted House is mostly funny, but some bits fall flat, are juvenile & inappropriate. A Haunted House is definitely not family friendly, but benefits from focusing on a popular first entry in a famous horror franchise, committing to the found footage franchise and having a solidly funny cast. If you occasionally like a stupid movie, A Haunted House may be for you.

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