Poster of Dark Girls

Dark Girls


Director: D. Channsin Berry, Bill Duke

Release Date: November 17, 2011

Where to Watch

Though Dark Girls primarily reflects on colorism in romantic relationships, i.e. how men view women in the African American community, it gets really interesting when it broadens its scope to international communities and takes a more general approach which includes how dark skinned men feel judged. Part of the documentary made me feel queasy: the reality and unquestioning premise that women are still judged by a checklist of looks instead of their character or actual actions as opposed to an attribution of actions based on the perception of their looks. I’m for changing the dynamic of dark skinned as a positive instead of a negative, but to suggest that a skin shade of any sort will make you a good mate or mother seems ridiculous and isn’t questioned in the documentary. “I want my children to look like….” I know that the world still operates on this ridiculous paradigm, and that I have probably benefitted in some unperceived way, but I have always thought to myself, “Where is this world where men are falling over themselves because you’re light skinned?” because I have not benefitted from that aspect. To be fair, even if I knew where that was, I would probably still be turned off and run away screaming since I’m so repelled by hey baby based on looks. Now if someone said, “Hey, I love that book you’re reading,” I would want to go to that world.

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