Poster of Cowboys & Aliens

Cowboys & Aliens

Action, Drama, Sci-Fi

Director: Jon Favreau

Release Date: July 29, 2011

Where to Watch

Cowboys & Aliens is summer movie fun: action, hot actors, aliens. Actors acted their butts off instead of going through the motions. Appreciated the aliens: just like we were primitive, these aliens are too. Equal parts brawn & technology. Kept thinking that Summer Glau’s role was taken by Olivia Wilde. I had ideas about how this would make a great series if we told story today & then from both human & alien POVs. In comparison to 20th century aliens who do more to conceal their visits. I know it is fiction but I imagined these aliens’ descendants learning from their ancestors’ mistakes and that is why they use light to stun people first and taking people inconspicuously. Then learning how to communicate with captives. These are nineteenth century aliens….still more advanced than us but not as cerebral as subsequent alien generations & not as sophisticated or diplomatic–they still rely on their physical, not mental superiority. Eventually that would stop; thus why they only have bracelet & don’t use it all the time. This could be a series. Alien and human history. And the series shouldn’t be on a major network because then it would suck. Fox, CW & preferably directed by Joss Whedon. I’m thinking apocalyptic episodes of Dollhouse style!

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