Poster of Case for Christ

Case for Christ

Biography, Drama

Director: Jon Gunn

Release Date: April 7, 2017

Where to Watch

Disclaimer: I haven’t read the book so I have no idea if he has a good one or not, but I was very distracted by the little video montages that introduced each experts: cheesy 80s eyewitness news intros as if they were newscasters. Usually people are shown in their office or a professional setting, but one guy was introduced as if he was going to the gym and was bench pressing or something. The hell? So because you’re fit, you’re an expert. It was so distracting and painful to watch that I really couldn’t focus on the substance. There were some interesting speakers, but I had a problem with the format of Case for Christ. Though I’m glad to hear about Strobel’s journey to Christ, I thought it was too distracting from what should have been a more in depth historical and theological examination although I think that it was an intentional choice to switch from documentary to narrative style like politicians that segway from facts to use a person’s story as supporting evidence. Jesus deserves better, but I’m sure that He appreciates the effort. Felt more like preaching to the choir than to those who are not currently Christians or inclined to believe.

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