Poster of Blue Velvet

Blue Velvet

Crime, Drama, Mystery

Director: David Lynch

Release Date: October 23, 1986

Where to Watch

Blue Velvet is a perfectly filmed movie that I wouldn’t recommend. I figured out why I’m not into David Lynch’s movies even though visually interesting. He is fascinated with the hidden underworld, but that irritates me because I don’t think that it is hidden, but that people willfully close their eyes to it. A revelation in this movie is that evil lurks within even the most innocent & inexperienced, but that doesn’t seem like much of a revelation. The main villain seems less weird & sinister than real life counterparts & actually seemed unintentionally funny at times–like a cartoon or childish interpretation of evil. I’m not trying to say that the villain wasn’t bad, I’m just saying that seems cheesy for villain to be so obviously aberrant. Real evil is much more subtle.

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