Poster of The Amazing Grace

The Amazing Grace

Drama, History

Director: Jeta Amata

Release Date: May 20, 2006

Where to Watch

Initially I was excited to see The Amazing Grace, a film by an African director told from a black character’s POV about the Middle Passage, but soon disappointment settled in with the Bachmann-like inaccuracies about slavery: that the kidnapped Africans were backslidden Christians being punished for leaving the Creator, that some Africans wanted to be enslaved & go to the “White man’s land,” etc. I do applaud the depiction of families before they were ripped apart and how the abducted Africans lived before they were kidnapped, raped, beaten & killed, but mostly implied, not explicit. I would have preferred explicit. Also did not approve the theology of the movie: many names, one God–a bit too ecumenical for my taste. Well, lots of guys are called Jesus, but that does not make them the Christ. Sorely disappointed.

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