Poster of Pride


Biography, Comedy, Drama

Director: Matthew Warchus

Release Date: September 12, 2014

Where to Watch

If you like movies like The Full Monty or Billy Elliot, then you will love Pride. Is there a name for this type of British genre film that manages to take real life events, use controversial concepts (unions, gay rights and challenging gender norms) but make it approachable by humanizing the concept with an ensemble cast that people can empathize with, mixing humor and popular culture, usually music? Is it British historical comedy-drama? I found myself getting teary-eyed throughout Pride, but especially the idea of all people working together as allies in the face of the establishment. I loved how Pride dealt with the idea of identity-it is impossible to separate one part of yourself (Welsh, working class) from the other part of yourself (gay), and to do so is a kind of psychological violence that damages not only the individual, but the community. Pride promises a healed, unified and joyous community that we all want. Pride dealt with AIDS in a subtle, respectful way. I only had one problem with Pride. You know that we have come a long way, but it is still permissible to make fun of fat people in movies because they are fat. Well, Pride does the same thing with lesbians-not all the time, but enough that the message is clear: why would women feel the need to separate and raise their voices separately from men? Of course the men can represent what women want perfectly-stop being divisive. Even the one “mainstream” lesbian runs from the other lesbians for a variety of reasons: bad relationships, obnoxious, etc. I understand that I’m an outsider looking in to a representation of a queer community so if I interpreted this incorrectly, please let me know, but my feminist radar was tingling. Pride’s villains consistently seem to be women-straight or queer. If it is historically correct, then I’ll just table my criticism, but seems highly unlikely.

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