Poster of Pootie Tang

Pootie Tang

Action, Adventure, Comedy

Director: Louis C.K.

Release Date: June 29, 2001

Where to Watch

Pootie Tang was probably theoretically very funny. Pootie Tang was supposed to be satire on blaxploitation films, which are already funny. Pootie Tang features amazing comedians (Chris Rock, Wanda Sykes, and JB Smoove) and comedic actors (Jennifer Coolidge, David Cross and Andy Richter) and was directed and written by Louis C.K. Unfortunately when Pootie Tang is funny, it is the kind of funny where you say, “That is funny,” but you’re not actually laughing. After doing a little research, Pootie Tang may have failed because when a sketch is expanded into a movie, the humor does not always expand proportionally with the length. Pootie Tang’s original creators claimed that the studios didn’t trust them and had someone else edit it. Who knows? Since Hollywood loves to reboot and remake things, Pootie Tang would make a great candidate and should be added to that list. Then maybe the original funny creators would get a chance to make us laugh.

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