Poster of Trance


Crime, Drama, Mystery

Director: Danny Boyle

Release Date: March 27, 2013

Where to Watch

Danny Boyle is a master of melding music and vibrant colors on film, transmitting honest emotion into his stories & most of his movies are a joy to watch (my favorites in order are Sunshine, 127 Hours and 28 Days Later in that order). I preferred Trance to Sucker Punch and Inception because even though for me the story had holes, there was a strong skeleton, excellent character acting instead of a character existing just to spout lines & provide heavy-handed allusions (Ariadne!!!) and an honest mystery instead of the same damn nesting doll in each half-baked story. The acting is superb and kudos to the subversive casting of Vincent Cassel, Rosario Dawson and James McAvoy. James McAvoy is what Tobey Maguire wishes that he could be, but never will be on his best day. You may feel a bit Shylamaned by the end, but I think that all the answers are there if you really look at film closely from the beginning, but I did expect one twist that never happened & probably would have been trite if it did so score goes to Boyle for resisting that step. A real thriller, but violence, nudity & sexual situations-remember this film is European!

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