Poster of Orphan Black

Orphan Black

Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director: N/A

Release Date: March 30, 2013

Where to Watch

Basically the universe kept asking me if I was watching Orphan Black, and without cable, it wasn’t possible, but once it became available on DVD, I didn’t hesitate to put it at the top of my queue. I don’t regret it, but I wouldn’t say that it is HBO caliber. It is definitely reminiscent of other shows involving similar themes (Dark Angel, The Pretender, Ringer-which I never saw), but unlike those shows, it feels more down to earth, and the acting is amazing by the supporting cast & Tatiana Maslany. It has sci-fi tropes without a sci-fi feel. Feels more like a thriller serial and despite derivative elements, the story is still fresh and compelling. There are sexual situations, allusions to nudity, drug and alcohol use, but nothing that is too explicit or that should dissuade any viewer of network tv. The themes of what makes a person unique, survival and trust are there, but don’t reach transcendent levels yet….I wonder how Joss Whedon would have handled this story? Visually evocative, but not yet spiritually stirring other than the maternal theme that feels a smidge heavy-handed.

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