Poster of Pinky



Director: Elia Kazan, John Ford

Release Date: November 1, 1949

Where to Watch

63 years ago, Hollywood was more progressive regarding racial, sexual and gender politics than it was a year ago when it made The Help. Pinky does not shy away or make a caricature of the protagonist’s anger at racial injustice. It does not make it seem like one racist apple is destroying the community, but that the community, especially the men, played a significant role in enforcing de facto racial prejudice unlike The Help, which made the men appear to be absent or uninterested. It showed the friendship between older black & white women. It reflected that even a loving relationship cannot move forward if there is any dishonesty at the foundation or a woman has to erase her identity by taking the man’s. It also shows that any work, from nursing to washing clothes, any amount of accomplishments held by a minority and any amount of money cannot insulate one from others trying to demean or violently hurt you. Another Elia Kazan masterpiece.

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