
Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Director: Ridley Scott

Release Date: June 8, 2012

Pitch Black is to Chronicles of Riddick as Alien(s) is to Prometheus. For a spoiler filled rant, comments will follow! Best part of the movie is the first half, which is quite beautiful, but best character is David, who is played by Michael Fassbender, who reprises his role as Magneto for robots. He has a richer life by himself than when surrounded by people, who never miss an opportunity to treat him like a servant or insensitively respond to his polite inquiries & gestures as a way to assuage their insecurities. So I posted a ton of articles that detail why this movie sucks so I’ll only discuss what isn’t written about in those articles. Noomi Repace finds out that she is pregnant & knocks out Lysa Arryn née Tully from Game of Thrones & random dude. There is no security alert & Theron runs a tight ship. When those two see Noomi later, they don’t say, “What the hell was that?” They just act like it is another day in the office. Then Noomi goes into Charlize Theron’s super private luxurious section, which is only for her. Then we have a heavy handed gender disparity WTF moment–the medpod is only for guys. So why does Charlize have it? And from beating up 2 people through the surgery, which takes a lot of time, no one is remotely curious. No alarms go off. No recordings or surveillance. And later on, there is nothing detecting an alien life form on the ship. Also when angry crab walking dude appears in front of the ship, they open up. Charlize will burn a dude who just looks like crap, but now we’re letting on crab humans & having a little look-see to find out what that noise was. NOOOOOOO! And seriously, everyone pukes like they just had raw chicken after getting out of cryo-sleep, but old Bishop is cool. And where is Lance Henriksen?!? I hate it when people don’t respect the mythology! And why couldn’t Idris Elba just have a British accent. What was the significance of Lawrence of Arabia? And what about Predator/Alien mythology? The biology in this film about alien origins doesn’t jive with this movie.

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