Poster of Veep



Director: N/A

Release Date: April 22, 2012

Where to Watch

Veep is a great antidote to the super effective and ruthless series such as House of Cards and Scandal. Veep focuses on deeply insecure and imperfect people trying to do what they thought that they came to DC to do, but end up being exposed as insecure and imperfect. Veep has the same vibe as Parks & Recreations or The Office except more caustic, profanity and no premise that a documentary is being filmed. I’ve always loved Julia Louis-Dreyfus since Day by Day so I’m glad that she is in a comedy series that I can completely enjoy. (I kind of hated some of the characters in Seinfeld. Sorry, America!) Veep works as a series that you give your complete attention to or use as background tv. Also it is kind of fun to have a woman in charge.

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