Poster of Resurrection


Drama, Fantasy

Director: N/A

Release Date: March 9, 2014

Where to Watch

So I’ve been around the ABC block before and am shocked that Resurrection got renewed for a second season. It reminds me of Invasion, The Nine, Flashforward, Zero Hour, 666 Park Avenue, V, The Gates, etc., but seems to have better source material than its predecessor (I haven’t read the book, The Returned YET). ABC uses a vaguely supernatural premise/mystery to create tension and drama in otherwise ordinary circumstances: my wife doesn’t love me, my husband’s ex-girlfriend is back and he still has feelings for her, my dad is a loser who just creates trouble in my life. There are no real answers, just vague hints of water, insects, elaborate patterns. Oy. Only two people are given an emotionally honest storyline and are permitted to hit it out of the park without guns waving or external drama: Frances Fisher and Kurtwood Smith. I think there needed to be more character development before the supernatural stuff started unfolding. We need to be invested in the characters and see what they were like before the dead started rising (no zombies, just kidding) then slowly ruin their lives instead of every week giving the promise of bodily harm to some individuals. We need some French people, STAT. I’ll keep watching Resurrection, but I don’t expect there to be any answers. Just bait and switch.

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