cover of Real Momentum: Out on the Job

Real Momentum: Out on the Job

Where to Watch

If you are gay, do you not deserve to eat or have a place to live. I don’t think the average person would say yes, but in most states it is legal to fire someone if the employer finds out that the employee is gay even if it doesn’t affect the person’s job. Real Momentum: Out on the Job dramatically illustrates how unfair that kind of treatment is. One person lost $50,000 worth of business. Do you really have to be straight to be a photographer, a police officer or a hair dresser? No. But the guy who was fired who used to work at a church……Depends on what kind of church it is. I understand that he felt betrayed because he saw himself as a music minister & sees his predominant job description as music, but I can see the church’s point of view, especially if they are conservative. Sometimes it isn’t a good fit even for mundane reasons.

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