Poster of Luther


Crime, Drama, Mystery

Director: N/A

Release Date: October 17, 2010

Where to Watch

How have I not written a review for Luther yet?!? Luther is Law & Order: Criminal Intent except longer and instead of Vincent D’Onofrio, we still get an excellent actor, but Idris Elba is also HOT HOT HOT. Did you see Pacific Rim? Remember the guy lifting his helmet as he stepped out into the sun. THAT guy. And he gets to keep his original British accent, which makes him hotter. Did I mention that he is hot? Because he is. Usually there is one overarching story involving Luther personally and professionally that spans the whole season, and the crime only spans a couple of episodes. My favorite and most terrifying episode occurs in Series 2, episodes 9 & 10. Luther can be ridiculous. He gets falsely accused of crimes all the time. Is it a commentary on race in society or just lack of imagination on how to torture the main character? No idea. It doesn’t matter if it it isn’t realistic or a bit over the top. If you enjoy BBC, have a high tolerance for imaginative violence and think Idris Elba is hot, you’re in for a treat. Once you see Luther, you will hope that Alice appears on Hannibal.

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