The Last Man on Earth


Action, Comedy, Drama

Director: N/A

Release Date: March 1, 2015

Where to Watch

The Last Man on Earth did not suffer a sophomore slump, but found its solid footing by balancing comedy and the apocalypse. At the end of the first season, the only known group of survivors exiled Tandy after a series of horrible actions, but he found love and companionship despite not deserving it. We also discovered that his brother was alive in space. The second season addresses if the brothers will be able to return from exile despite major life threatening obstacles and become a part of community.
When Tandy returns, he is still a complete mess, but now he is a well-intentioned one who seeks to elevate others’ needs over his own while struggling with his desire to get pubic approval and his intellectual limitations. Each character’s cruelty, selfishness and vulnerabilities get highlighted, but instead of following the group’s kneejerk reaction to ostracize and demean the offender, Tandy encourages the group to forgive, love and remember the character’s better qualities. As The Last Man on Earth raises the apocalyptic stakes and actually kills some characters, Tandy’s efforts become psychologically heroic and a real lesson on how to make a better world.
The Last Man on Earth went beyond being entertaining. Instead of dealing with the practical logistics of survival, The Last Man on Earth shows how real flawed people will struggle to embrace community while tackling trauma and trying to resist the pull of negative coping mechanisms by withdrawing, self-medicating, violence, etc. The Last Man on Earth suggested that all of us are Tandy in some ways, and people like Tandy, i.e. all of us, can be redeemed and become a community in spite of the past and serious character foibles that never go away. I have already begun watching the third season of The Last Man on Earth and am happy to report that it is still a joy to watch.

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