Caprica Season 1.5


Action, Drama, Sci-Fi

Director: N/A

Release Date: January 22, 2010

Where to Watch

When I watched the pilot of Caprica Season 1.5, I had no idea that I would like this unrelentingly depressing & yet beautiful show about people desperately trying to do the right thing & failing excruciatingly, trying to make a connection and alienating themselves further and only succeeding in hurting those that they love the most. Original sin & daddy issues! No wonder it is off the air & the cylons rebelled. Don’t mess with grandma! Don’t hire a thug to be your back up if you have a wife! Accept the death of your loved ones or you’ll just end up enslaving a new race of sentient beings who will not appreciate it & threaten the entire human race. If you do create a new race of sentient beings, don’t torture them or take them for granted, but treat them as the unique individuals they are or they will not appreciate it & threaten the entire human race. Basically don’t treat anyone badly for whatever reason even if it seems like a good idea, treasure your loved ones & finality isn’t a bad thing. If grandma is incessantly chopping meat with a huge knife & a glint in her eye, seriously you’re just asking for it if you mess with anyone she loves.

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