This intriguing four hour documentary should be called “The Calling….?” It follows numerous adults as they embark wide-eyed and bushy-tailed on an earnest career devoted to God in the following faith traditions: Christianity, Judaism & Islam. Unsurprisingly to me, this calling clashes with their family life. The ones who judge whether or not they will have a successful career paint no illusions and frankly admit that family needs to be put on the back burner, which to me clashes with the tenets of at least my Christian beliefs. I was surprised that the single men, an Orthodox rabbi activist and a Catholic priest in training, seemed the most fulfilled and active in their calling, not only because they could completely devote themselves to it, but because it was connected to the broader community, not just a post and a specific congregation. My takeaway lesson: calling requires your sacrifice, not your family’s–at least without consent, and a concern for the entire community, not just those in your faith.