Poster of Black Lightning

Black Lightning

Action, Drama, Sci-Fi

Director: N/A

Release Date: January 16, 2018

Where to Watch

Black Lightning is the best DC Comics show currently on the CW. It is only thirteen episodes and is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime and Netflix. It is about a high school principal with two daughters, a high school student and a premed student, and a hot ex-wife whom he is keen to reconcile with. He is forced to suit up again when events buried in the past turn out to be thriving and affecting his family and community now.
With the heroes as relatable and loveable as The Flash’s cast, but with better villains, credible obstacles and achievable goals, Black Lightning seems to have its finger on the pulse of America. Realistic threats such as an opioid epidemic, human trafficking, medical experimentation on/contaminating water in black communities, Confederate monuments, men wearing red baseball caps, government corruption, the new Jim Crow set in a superhero context is refreshing considering that most threats on these shows seem so remote and lack a sense of urgency. I’m not concerned about some super powered mad man stealing my powers. Some people may find it heavy-handed, but I loved it.
Black Lightning is initially confusing in early episodes, but when the history of the conflict and the source of the titular character’s powers are revealed, it is captivating TV. The flavor of the show is its strength. For example, there is a Greek chorus of ordinary people in the street and on the news volunteering their opinion about the super powered shenanigans unfolding in their neighborhood. The music and historical references are amazing. The older daughter is a lesbian, but her romantic storyline is gradually sidelined as the show progresses.
The real reason that Black Lightning is not part of the Arrowverse is because their villains on any other show would have scared off the other villains and taken over the CW. Jill Scott as Lady Eve was chilling and physically bad ass, but Tobias stole the show with his sadistic extracurricular activities which includes tormenting past people who did him wrong or harpooning underlings. He is honestly such a wild card that I have no idea why anyone would work for him.
I didn’t see The Incredibles so maybe I’m late to the party. Watching a photogenic superhero family fight evil is great. The daddy daughter outings are expertly choreographed and have so much style that I had to rewind and rewatch a few times. The team without powers still knows how to throw down. Debating respectability politics by day, by any means necessary by night. Just don’t forget to say grace.
There are a few loose threads including but not limited to the well being of Tobias’ physician. How do you resuscitate the kidnapped people? What was Tobias’ sister’s power? How does the Shadow Board and the low rent ASA operate? Is Black Lightning officially clear? Who killed Poe?
I miss Black Lightning already and can’t wait for the second season. I hope that others shows follow its lead by shortening their seasons because the thirteen episode arc felt like a perfect amount to tell the story.

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