cover of Historical Blackness

Historical Blackness

Historical Blackness is the latest weekly podcast offered by The Official This Week in Blackness Network, an independent media podcast network. Dr. Blair Kelley, the host and an associate professor of history at North Carolina State University, provides an in depth historical perspective on current events such as the Oscars, Stand Your Ground verdicts or even words like outlandish! Dr. Kelley’s sober content but approachable delivery provides much-needed context of historical relevance to daily life, which is welcomed after Tarantino’s infectious approach to disregard facts for fun. Dr. Kelley does not make you choose and is far more entertaining. For those listeners who are ambitious and have time on your hands, there will be a reading list. I have only listened to the first two shows, but I have already become an unequivocal fan of Historical Blackness.

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