Poster of You Laugh But It's True

You Laugh But It’s True

Documentary, Biography, Comedy

Director: David Paul Meyer

Release Date: December 13, 2013

Where to Watch

You Laugh But It’s True is a documentary about Trevor Noah, which I watched only because he is going to be the new host of The Daily Show. I only have one criticism of You Laugh But It’s True: you only see clips of his stand up, not the whole thing. You Laugh But It’s True was only 84 minutes long, but I would not have minded if they showed the complete stand up comedy set of his first one-man show, The Daywalker.
You Laugh But It’s True is extremely well done. You Laugh But It’s True effectively balances introducing its audience to South African comedic, political and racial climate without becoming didactic and remaining intimate. You Laugh But It’s True compares and contrasts other people’s image of Trevor Noah and how he really is in public and private. His comments about growing up biracial were mind-blowing for me, and I’m biracial, but I am an American. It was basically illegal, but the practical daily challenges are even crazier.
Trevor Noah comes across as an extremely driven, intelligent, thoughtful and charming person. I hope his family is well, and I wish him all the best as he embarks on a new stage in his career. If you’re interested in either Trevor Noah or South Africa, You Laugh But It’s True is a must see.

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