The World’s End


Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi

Director: Edgar Wright

Release Date: August 23, 2013

Where to Watch

If you love Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, then you already know about this film & will watch The World’s End. For those fans, this movie is the saddest of the bunch, but you will still laugh heartily. For those not familiar with the chemistry of this crew, I would suggest watching those films first though it is not necessary to do so to enjoy this film, but they’re really standalone funny & will help you get an idea of the chemistry that these actors bring to any project. If you decide not to watch its predecessors, your life will be poorer for it & while you’ll like this movie, you may not get a few inside jokes and think that it is only mildly funny, but not so funny that you want to quote every scene & rewatch it repeatedly. The filmmakers’ gift is dealing with issues of maturity & balance in enjoying & embracing life as illustrated in sensational scenarios. Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg are a delightful filmmaking duo & Nick Frost & Simon Pegg are an essential on screen pairing. Better to watch in a crowded theater. Highly recommended for people having some kind of mid-life/quarterlife crisis.

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