Poster of Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies

Comedy, Horror, Romance

Director: Jonathan Levine

Release Date: February 1, 2013

Where to Watch

More fairy tale meets Shakespeare, i.e Sleeping Beauty meets Romeo & Juliet, than traditional zombie flick. Nicholas Hoult wins as actor with the most expressive eyes and great ability to carry a movie that strains the cords that suspend disbelief. Rob Corddry does a fabulous job as his best friend-perfect transformation as terrifying monster, caring friend to goofy redeemed human. Warm Bodies somewhat slows down and loses its punch in the middle, but essentially a sweet fable about not losing humanity and the importance of true interaction to retain that humanity. Very strong beginning, especially the flashes between the past and present, which may explain why the middle meanders a bit as the audience is asked to mostly look at the present and believe that this Beauty will ignore this Beast’s diet and surroundings. Shouldn’t she have more of a sense of urgency? Whatever-nothing that a bit more editing couldn’t have solved. More boneys! Predictable, but sweet ending. Analeigh from ANTM is still luminous and does a good job as Beauty’s friend. Worth a matinee price.

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