Poster of True Crime

True Crime

Crime, Drama, Mystery

Director: Clint Eastwood

Release Date: March 19, 1999

Where to Watch

I hate films like True Crime. I could tell the end of the film in the opening moments. The foils are the black, young, noble family man facing physical death for a brutal murder of a pregnant woman and an amoral, alcoholic, womanizing, aging white man journalist facing spiritual death. Did the black guy do it or not? Will the journalist save him? Were you born yesterday? Have you never seen a movie before? It is so bad that I’m just going to step over some casual misogynistic moments (ladies, sleeping with Clint Eastwood may save your life). James Woods and Eastwood try to go for a 40s style newspaper fast-talking patter, but all their effort is wasted. Glad to see that Clint Eastwood is improving with age because True Crime was a stinker. Skip it. Don’t waste your time.

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