Poster of Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder

Action, Comedy, War

Director: Ben Stiller

Release Date: August 13, 2008

Where to Watch

Was Tropic Thunder funny? Yes. Did I laugh uncontrollably? No, so even though it is good, I would not consider it a must see. Still if a movie found a way to make me NOT spit in disgust when Tobey Maguire appeared & actually laugh, then it has to be doing something right. I actually thought the movie improved when Stiller was by himself & the group was without Stiller. Also I think that the sound quality could have been better because I’m sure that I missed some jokes. Robert Downey & Brandon T. Jackson were brilliant together. Nice to see Jay Baruchel, i.e. that guy from Freaks & Geeks, employed. Jack Black got amusing towards the end. Seriously can Matthew McConaughey ever do a bad job? Ever. I knew about Tom Cruise cameo & though I thought that his phone conversations were great, I’m not so sure about the dancing & I love ridiculous dancing, but it felt wrong for some reason— more than the other reason that most people complained about the movie. I felt like Nick Nolte & Danny McBride had the potential to be funnier if they got more screen time.

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