Poster of The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds

Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Director: Byron Haskin

Release Date: August 26, 1953

Where to Watch

Obviously The War of the Worlds does not age well since special effects have grown exponentially since 1953. Like most apocalyptic films, the goal is either to reunite or create a family so the largely ineffective scientist (you can tell that he is smart because he wears glasses) is paired off with a local girl who lives near the meteorite site and happens to be a huge fan of his work. What distinguishes The War of the Worlds from its subsequent alien invasion descendants is the idea that the war is between God, who is Team Earth, and the aliens. The scientists are helpless in the face of such a technologically advanced foe and the hordes of their lawless fellow men. Skip The War of the Worlds if you can’t stomach the casual race caricature of a Mexican American local.

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