Poster of The Unknown Known

The Unknown Known

Documentary, Biography, History

Director: Errol Morris

Release Date: January 16, 2014

Where to Watch

If you want proof that there is no such thing as a meritocracy, then watch The Unknown Known. The Unknown Known is a documentary about the former US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. The Unknown Known is a quote from Rumsfeld who uses words to simultaneously reflect his inner thoughts as he grapples with decisions and confuses his audience by using words to obscure his actions. If Rumsfeld was your boss, he would drive you crazy with his incessant indecisiveness, his posturing of strength, certainty and efficacy and his damaging actions. The Unknown Known isn’t gotcha journalism. The Unknown Known uses Rumsfeld’s words-verbal and written-to contradict and condemn himself, but stalwart supporters will probably not be convinced. How can a man so indecisive, harmful and ineffective be constantly promoted and rewarded?

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