The Truth Behind: The Nevada Triangle

Where to Watch

You know when you finish watching something streaming on Netflix and then there is a countdown that shows what will play next if you don’t hit stop or back to rate or remove your prior selection. After I watched Time Zero: The Last Year of Polaroid Film, Netflix offered The Truth Behind: The Nevada Triangle. My reaction was, “Wait, there was a Nevada Triangle? Yes, please!” As if I needed another movie to watch. Instead of adding it to my queue, I decided to let it come on automatically.
For some reason, The Truth Behind: The Nevada Triangle is listed on IMDb as The Missing Evidence: Nevada Triangle. The Truth Behind: The Nevada Triangle is only 45 minutes long. The Truth Behind: The Nevada Triangle that tackles the disappearance of a billionaire. What is the explanation: Area 51, aliens or topography and weather conditions? Hint: I learned about down drafts.
The Truth Behind: The Nevada Triangle gives enough sensationalism to keep things interesting, but is ultimately level-headed in its explanation of the tragic phenomenon of civilian plane crashes.

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