Poster of The Night Before

The Night Before

Comedy, Fantasy

Director: Jonathan Levine

Release Date: November 20, 2015

Where to Watch

I almost saw The Night Before in theaters because I so loved This is the End, and I wanted butter popcorn during an uneventful theatrical release period. I’m so glad that I didn’t!
The Night Before features Seth Rogan, Anthony DUI, but dreadlocks are the problem, “make daddy a sandwich” Mackie and Looper’s Joseph Gordon-Levitt as three childhood friends who spend every Christmas together, but are getting too mature to continue to do so. Each friend has a nagging problem that prevents him from enjoying each other’s company. The three had no chemistry and worked better in their separate vignettes than together. The Night Before is also not for me because I don’t get the whole let’s take drugs and hijinks will ensue comedy (see my review of Sisters).
Why did I finish watching The Night Before? Michael Shannon! I did not know that he was in The Night Before, and he is the best part of the film! I suspected the twist on his character, but thought it was even MORE over the top. They probably pulled back from what I wanted to avoid getting angry letters. I even thought that the musical cameo was hilarious, and I am not a fan. Far from it! I did think that Mackie’s social media refrain worked.
Unless you’re a Michael Shannon fan or love movies where adults take a lot of drugs and find that inherently and sufficiently funny, skip The Night Before.

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