The Mirror (2014)



Director: Edward Boase

Release Date: September 8, 2014

Where to Watch

The Mirror (2014) is a found footage film about three people who want to win the James Randi Foundation’s Paranormal Challenge so they purposely buy a sketchy mirror on eBay. They are actually thrilled that there were no competing bids. We are never told the mirror’s history. Then two of the three reveal themselves to be the worst and most stupid people in the world when the third starts acting weird and being cagey about showing his footage to them, but they find it funny and keep filming instead of getting help. Mayhem ensues. Skip The Mirror (2014) and see Oculus, which The Mirror (2014) shamelessly tries to ripoff.
To think that The Mirror (2014) is a good film, you have to live in a world where for some indiscernible reason, you don’t leave your apartment, get medical help by either calling an ambulance or bringing your friend to the hospital and apparently don’t have any obligations other than making a documentary because the characters only interact with each other when supernatural shenanigans are occurring. They don’t even get butt dials or telemarketing. They mention the neighbors, but apparently the walls are amazingly sound proofed because there is no interaction with them. If I have to start barricading myself in my room every night, and you are not a very close and beloved relative, I’m not barricading myself in my room every night.
The Mirror (2014) gives a slight homage to Peeping Tom, but you know that you are not into a character when you laugh at stalking gone wrong. The use of the camera gets ludicrous in the final scene. If you are getting murdered, please note that The Mirror (2014) suggests that you turn around, face the mirror and catch that last shot of your wound in the mirror before collapsing.
I don’t mind people doing stupid things in horror movies. I mind people doing inexplicably stupid things in horror movies that no one would do in real life. I love found footage movies, but even when grading on a scale, The Mirror (2014) is not worth your time.

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