Poster of The Black Rider: Revelation Road

The Black Rider: Revelation Road


Director: N/A

Release Date: October 18, 2024

Where to Watch

The Black Rider: Revelation Road is the third, and probably not the last installment of the Revelation Road franchise. The Black Rider: Revelation Road is a Biblically inspired post-apocalyptic wasteland that leans harder than ever on its Mad Max meets The Road roots. What makes The Black Rider: Revelation Road better is that the post-apocalyptic world’s rules are better fleshed out. The local government has few resources and depends on a national government implicitly run by the Anti Christ. Mercenaries, cannibals or Kevin Sorbo with a fake New Zealand accident in fake fur, which was effectively played for laughs, runs regions without government. The real outlaws are Christians, who pray and read the Bible, but the government doesn’t like any rule breakers, and every violation is punishable by death. Sounds like Fox News’ fantasies have finally come true. The Black Rider: Revelation Road has James Denton in it? Doesn’t he have enough money after a successful run on Desperate Housewives?
Our mild-mannered salesman has become Tom Hardy full time without the muscles or awesome voice and basically roams the countryside saving people. The fight sequences are endless and boring. The supernatural elements aren’t interesting and are actually downright off-putting like a horror movie such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre until we meet the Shepherd, one of the two prophets that have to go to Jerusalem. Then The Black Rider: Revelation Road finally gets interesting, reintroduces a pivotal character from the first two installments and ends.
I want more mediocre Christian produced Biblically inspired post-apocalyptic movies even though The Black Rider: Revelation Road bored me! I do! I’m psyched that they reintroduced that character and actually cheered. I hope that the character comes back with another character that made the second installment interesting.

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